Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I've got to keep singing I've got to keep praising his name

I have recently realized that God has been telling me that I need a change in my attitude. I can have a really bad attitude about things especially here in Korea. It effects a lot of areas in my life and effects me. I know God has been talking to me about it for a while but am just now starting to listen to him. I talked with a good friend this weekend about it and asked for thoughts and prayers.

I fully realize that most of my attitude problem is because I am not close to God, which I am working on. I am close to myself and therefore think of myself and no one else. So I have turned my focus back to where it is supposed to be. I want to focus on God in every situation and chose to be like him instead of like me. God is helping me with my attitude which can be difficult because it's easier to just get an attitude instead of stepping back, taking a breath, and doing the right thing.

Things can get pretty bad for me here in Korea and I can really lose sight of what's right. When things get bad here I have to remember that God is in control and I am not. When I am in control things go bad... like now. I have to keep singing God's praise constantly and ask him to come over me.I trust that through the rain God will guide me back to the sun light. When I don't know what to do I've got to keep singing praise to his name.

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