When your in a foreign country it seems as though you form a bond with other foreigns. You quickly become close because you have things in common. As I start to see people leaving that I care about and have spent a lot of time with I'm starting to reflect on my time here in Korea.
Spending time with foreigners has become something that I really look forward to, seeing people who are similar to... me. The people whom I can talk to at a normal pace. People who understand me and know what I'm going through especially when I feel all alone. It would have been really hard for me to have stayed here in Korea for two years if it had not been for some of the great people I met while here. It makes me incredibly sad to see that the connections and the adventures are coming to an end, as people are leaving and going back to their home country. I hope that all the relationships I have built over the past two years will always remain.
As people begin to leave it makes me realize that in about five months I'll be the one leaving. It will be hard to leave Korea because of all the memories, experiences, and people I've met here. It makes me excited to go home in a few months to a more "normal" life. So as sad as I'll be I know that I'll always have the memories and hopes of one day seeing all of my wonderful Korean friends again. I will always look back on my time in Korea as a great experience. That even through the bad times I still had many great experiences and relationships with the people I met in South Korea, a bond.