Sunday, September 27, 2009

Turn obstacles into opportunities

There are so many obstacles in our lives and when they come what do we do? I know that most of the time when I have an obstacle in my life I usually don't know what to do. I get angry, I get sad, I am confused, and lost. I've never really put much thought into changing my obstacles into an opportunities. How much better would things go for me if I would stop thinking obstacles were bad.
The fact is that we all have obstacles in our lives, we always will. The thing that makes us different is how we chose to deal with those obstacles. If we keep thinking of them as obstacles then that's all they will be. But what if we turn it around, what if we begin to look at obstacles in life as opportunities? How much better would it be for us? What kind of great things could come from those obstacles?
Many times I feel as though I have had or do have obstacles in my way. I have never stop to realize that they are more than that. They have become or will become a great opportunity. I want to change my focus from thinking about things in life as obstacles and think of everything as an opportunity.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I've got to keep singing I've got to keep praising his name

I have recently realized that God has been telling me that I need a change in my attitude. I can have a really bad attitude about things especially here in Korea. It effects a lot of areas in my life and effects me. I know God has been talking to me about it for a while but am just now starting to listen to him. I talked with a good friend this weekend about it and asked for thoughts and prayers.

I fully realize that most of my attitude problem is because I am not close to God, which I am working on. I am close to myself and therefore think of myself and no one else. So I have turned my focus back to where it is supposed to be. I want to focus on God in every situation and chose to be like him instead of like me. God is helping me with my attitude which can be difficult because it's easier to just get an attitude instead of stepping back, taking a breath, and doing the right thing.

Things can get pretty bad for me here in Korea and I can really lose sight of what's right. When things get bad here I have to remember that God is in control and I am not. When I am in control things go bad... like now. I have to keep singing God's praise constantly and ask him to come over me.I trust that through the rain God will guide me back to the sun light. When I don't know what to do I've got to keep singing praise to his name.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

keeps getting better

I know that I need to become a better person in all areas of my life. I know that God has big plans in store for my life. He has been preparing me for so much. I feel as though God has been helping me grow and develop during this time in Korea. I have recently been revisiting a past dream that I felt God had for my life. It amazes me that God can plant a desire in a persons heart and gives so much nurturing and time for it to grow and develop into his beautiful plan. He shows you how much he has in store for you. He amazes me so much when I chose to follow him.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Bond

When your in a foreign country it seems as though you form a bond with other foreigns. You quickly become close because you have things in common. As I start to see people leaving that I care about and have spent a lot of time with I'm starting to reflect on my time here in Korea.
Spending time with foreigners has become something that I really look forward to, seeing people who are similar to... me. The people whom I can talk to at a normal pace. People who understand me and know what I'm going through especially when I feel all alone. It would have been really hard for me to have stayed here in Korea for two years if it had not been for some of the great people I met while here. It makes me incredibly sad to see that the connections and the adventures are coming to an end, as people are leaving and going back to their home country. I hope that all the relationships I have built over the past two years will always remain.

As people begin to leave it makes me realize that in about five months I'll be the one leaving. It will be hard to leave Korea because of all the memories, experiences, and people I've met here. It makes me excited to go home in a few months to a more "normal" life. So as sad as I'll be I know that I'll always have the memories and hopes of one day seeing all of my wonderful Korean friends again. I will always look back on my time in Korea as a great experience. That even through the bad times I still had many great experiences and relationships with the people I met in South Korea, a bond.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What you think about is what you become.

What you think about is what you become.

What you think about you become? Is this true? Could I think about being successful and be successful? Could I think I am happy and be happy? People always say you’re as happy as you make your mind up to be. Are some of us making ourselves unhappy? Is it possible to be happy all the time? To be successful? I’m listening to a podcast that says you get what you focus on. So I focus on being happy then I can be happy? If I focus on being successful then I’ll be successful?

Am I focusing on who I am or who I’m not? Am I focusing on a place I’m not or who I don’t want to be? When you focus on who your not instead of who you want to be, you become that person. It’s all about our identity, this is who I am. When you are not excited about who you are then you are throwing that vibe out.

When you are being who you are, the type of person you are, and where you’re going you are embracing that person you get that life. But if your not your not going to get anything. Be who you are and embrace it, it shows. Be who you are and not who your not. This is who I am and what I do. Talk in the tense of who you wanna be not who you don’t want to be. Are you focusing on the fact that your not something instead of who you are? Go through you week and look for the good things get back up again. Something is going wrong in my life just take it place it in my left hand and throw it behind you.