Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where oh where does the time go

It's the middle of November and I can hardly believe it. I can't believe how fast time has gone by.
As my time here in Korea draws to an end I feel kind of like a nerd for how much I love truly have come to love this place. Korea has become a home to me. I have a wonderful job which I am so sad to leave in just a few short months. I love what I do and it's going to be so hard to say goodbye to my students. I really love them and working with them. There are times when I get a little sad when it's the weekend because I have such wonderful students. I want to take each one of them home with me... lol 360 Korean kids are coming home with me. They make my day everyday. They know how to make me laugh and always know when I need to laugh. Even my tennis playing students (whom I never see in class) make me smile. Every time I see them outside they always yell Ms. Shannon, wave really big, and try to speak their best English to me. Last night I saw them outside and instead of going to study they were going to the PC bong (PC room) and asked me to come play with them.

I am also going to really miss my family (friends) here in Korea. The people I have been hanging out with have become more then friends, they are like my family. I see them on a regular basis, I have meetings with them, share bug events with them, and spend the holiday's with them. They know me better than some of my family members, they are there for me, and they love me. I will truly miss all the relationships I have made here in Korea. I want to be able to say that I will see them all again some day, but I never know. Once I leave Korea I may never see them again. It breaks my heart to think about leaving and the possibility that I may never again see the people I know and love again. That all the relationships I hold dear might fade away.

I'm really getting sadder about leaving in about four months. I am excited about going home but will always love love Korea and the people here. Only about three and a half more months till I'll be heading back to the states.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I have never loved so many guys at once

Let me explain my title.

The past week or so I have been a little sad. I have realized that I only have six more teaching weeks left. We are in midterms this week which means it's half way through the second term. I can't believe how fast it has gone. I have truly come to love and become close to my students. I love seeing them, I love going to work. I really enjoy teaching my guys so that's why I say I have never loved so many guys at once. All 350 of my students are special and have unique personalities. I have enjoyed teaching them and having them in my classes.

So it is with a sad heart that I will be leaving in a few months. I will always look back on this time as one of the best jobs I have ever had. It has been an amazing experience that I will always cherish.

I am excited to come back to the states, but I am a little nervous about coming back. I know it will be hard to adjust back and it will be so different from when I left. It will be weird but I am excited and am happy to go back in just a few months.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Quote my life

“Eventually all the right pieces fall into place, until then laugh at all the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.”

I love quotes I have a bunch of them posted in my office at work. This on is one of my favorites. I think it’s so true in life. I believe that eventually everything will work out and the way it is supposed to. But in all the confusion of life we should only laugh at it. There is no reason to get upset at the things we can not change. The only way to change a bad situation is to have a positive attitude and laugh it all. We should live for every moment because we never know when it will be our last. When it comes down to it I want people to know that I lived my life to the fullest. We only get one chance at this thing called life. It’s confusing and sometimes crazy but that’s the stuff that makes us appreciate the good times more. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Weather it’s to teach us, to grow us, or to develop us. Know that there is a purpose for everything that happens to you. Even in the painful situations, which we have all had in our
lives, there is a reason. Everything great and small builds your character; it develops you into the person you are meant to be.

So I’ll leave you with one more of my favorite quotes that we should also live by. Live well, Laugh often, Love much. God bless.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oh the curves of life's journey

I was talking with a friend this weekend who likes to call me honey... lol about my past relationship. I got a little sad when talking to him about it because I realized that no matter how over something you can be the past can always still hurt. We were talking about proposals and a little about my first one when I realized that that fact made me sad. My whole life I have only wanted there to be one. I have only wanted to plan one wedding. To truly love one guy. To think about spending the rest of my life with one person.
I was reminded that I will one day have to tell my future husband that there was one guy that I planned all that with that before him. I hate that because I feel as though it's taking something away from my future husband. I know that the past is the past and there's nothing I can do about it. I am beyond glad that I didn't get married that I didn't end up living a life that would have been miserable. but it breaks my heart that one day I'm going to have to tell my future spouse that there was someone before him. It might sound crazy but it really does break my heart. I want my future to be special and I want all the firsts back. I hate telling people or talking about the past. Not really because I feel embarrassed that I have already been engaged, but I just feel as though it won't be as special because I have already been through the proposal, the engagement, the wedding planning, and other things.
I know this blog might be a little silly but it was on my mind after talking to my friend about it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Turn obstacles into opportunities

There are so many obstacles in our lives and when they come what do we do? I know that most of the time when I have an obstacle in my life I usually don't know what to do. I get angry, I get sad, I am confused, and lost. I've never really put much thought into changing my obstacles into an opportunities. How much better would things go for me if I would stop thinking obstacles were bad.
The fact is that we all have obstacles in our lives, we always will. The thing that makes us different is how we chose to deal with those obstacles. If we keep thinking of them as obstacles then that's all they will be. But what if we turn it around, what if we begin to look at obstacles in life as opportunities? How much better would it be for us? What kind of great things could come from those obstacles?
Many times I feel as though I have had or do have obstacles in my way. I have never stop to realize that they are more than that. They have become or will become a great opportunity. I want to change my focus from thinking about things in life as obstacles and think of everything as an opportunity.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I've got to keep singing I've got to keep praising his name

I have recently realized that God has been telling me that I need a change in my attitude. I can have a really bad attitude about things especially here in Korea. It effects a lot of areas in my life and effects me. I know God has been talking to me about it for a while but am just now starting to listen to him. I talked with a good friend this weekend about it and asked for thoughts and prayers.

I fully realize that most of my attitude problem is because I am not close to God, which I am working on. I am close to myself and therefore think of myself and no one else. So I have turned my focus back to where it is supposed to be. I want to focus on God in every situation and chose to be like him instead of like me. God is helping me with my attitude which can be difficult because it's easier to just get an attitude instead of stepping back, taking a breath, and doing the right thing.

Things can get pretty bad for me here in Korea and I can really lose sight of what's right. When things get bad here I have to remember that God is in control and I am not. When I am in control things go bad... like now. I have to keep singing God's praise constantly and ask him to come over me.I trust that through the rain God will guide me back to the sun light. When I don't know what to do I've got to keep singing praise to his name.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

keeps getting better

I know that I need to become a better person in all areas of my life. I know that God has big plans in store for my life. He has been preparing me for so much. I feel as though God has been helping me grow and develop during this time in Korea. I have recently been revisiting a past dream that I felt God had for my life. It amazes me that God can plant a desire in a persons heart and gives so much nurturing and time for it to grow and develop into his beautiful plan. He shows you how much he has in store for you. He amazes me so much when I chose to follow him.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Bond

When your in a foreign country it seems as though you form a bond with other foreigns. You quickly become close because you have things in common. As I start to see people leaving that I care about and have spent a lot of time with I'm starting to reflect on my time here in Korea.
Spending time with foreigners has become something that I really look forward to, seeing people who are similar to... me. The people whom I can talk to at a normal pace. People who understand me and know what I'm going through especially when I feel all alone. It would have been really hard for me to have stayed here in Korea for two years if it had not been for some of the great people I met while here. It makes me incredibly sad to see that the connections and the adventures are coming to an end, as people are leaving and going back to their home country. I hope that all the relationships I have built over the past two years will always remain.

As people begin to leave it makes me realize that in about five months I'll be the one leaving. It will be hard to leave Korea because of all the memories, experiences, and people I've met here. It makes me excited to go home in a few months to a more "normal" life. So as sad as I'll be I know that I'll always have the memories and hopes of one day seeing all of my wonderful Korean friends again. I will always look back on my time in Korea as a great experience. That even through the bad times I still had many great experiences and relationships with the people I met in South Korea, a bond.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What you think about is what you become.

What you think about is what you become.

What you think about you become? Is this true? Could I think about being successful and be successful? Could I think I am happy and be happy? People always say you’re as happy as you make your mind up to be. Are some of us making ourselves unhappy? Is it possible to be happy all the time? To be successful? I’m listening to a podcast that says you get what you focus on. So I focus on being happy then I can be happy? If I focus on being successful then I’ll be successful?

Am I focusing on who I am or who I’m not? Am I focusing on a place I’m not or who I don’t want to be? When you focus on who your not instead of who you want to be, you become that person. It’s all about our identity, this is who I am. When you are not excited about who you are then you are throwing that vibe out.

When you are being who you are, the type of person you are, and where you’re going you are embracing that person you get that life. But if your not your not going to get anything. Be who you are and embrace it, it shows. Be who you are and not who your not. This is who I am and what I do. Talk in the tense of who you wanna be not who you don’t want to be. Are you focusing on the fact that your not something instead of who you are? Go through you week and look for the good things get back up again. Something is going wrong in my life just take it place it in my left hand and throw it behind you.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Soul Mates

Soul mate:
Your problem is you don't understand what the word means. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything your holding back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, then they leave. And thank God for it. Your problem is, you just can't let this one go. His purpose was to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light could get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you had to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master and beat it. This was his job, and he did great, but now it's over. Problem is, you can't accept that this relationship had a real short shelf life. You're like a dog at the dump, you're just lickin' at an empty tin can , trying to get more nutrition out of it. And if you're not careful, that can's gonna get stuck to your snot forever and make your life miserable. So drop it.

Oh the places you'll go

I'm finally back in Korea after about three weeks of almost non-stop traveling. Even here in Korea I was traveling around a lot. I feel a little tuckered out and am glad to be in one spot for a little while. I'll have a school trip to Jeju island (Korea Hawaii) in September but have no other travel plans till then. The next travel plan after that will hopefully be to go back to the states. I have less than 200 days and am counting down. I know it might seem crazy, but when your ready to go like I am it's not.

All of my traveling has been really good with no complaints. I enjoyed every minute of my traveling. I always feel like I learn a lot about myself on when I travel. I feel that traveling is a way to express oneself. You get to express what you are like, the things you enjoy, the way you handle situations, and many other things about yourself. It's a way to show what kind of person you are. You also learn about your travel mate and how you work together. I feel like my next travel will be by myself. I would enjoy traveling somewhere and being with myself. Enjoying who I am and enjoying my time with me. It will be a while before I travel again but when I do I believe it will be a solo trip.

Oh the places you'll go

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.

You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care.
About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there."
With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.

And you may not find any
That you'll want to go down.
In that case, of course,
you'll head straight out of town.

It's opener there
in the wide open air.

Out there things can happen,
Don't worry. Don't stop.
Just go right along.
You'll start happening too.

The places you'll go!

You'll be on your way up!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the high fliers
who soar to great heights.

You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed.
You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead.
Wherever you fly, you'll be best of the best.
Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.

Except when you don't.
Because sometime, you won't.

I'm sorry to say so
but sadly, it's true
that Bang-ups
and Hang-ups
can happen to you.

You can get all hung up
in a prickle-ly perch.
And your gang will fly on.
You'll be left in a Lurch.

You'll come down from the Lurch
with an unpleasant bump.
And the chances are, then,
that you'll be in a Slump.

And when you're in a Slump,
you're not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done.

You will come to a place where the streets are not marked.
Some windows are lighted. But mostly, they're darked.
A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!
Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?
How much can you lose? How much can you win?

And if you go in, should you turn left or right...
or right-and-three-quarters? Or, maybe, not quite?
Or go around back and sneak in from behind?
Simple it's not, I'm afraid you will find,
for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind.

You can get so confused
that you'll start to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back in Korea

It's been about four days since I got back to Korea. I loved both Sydney and Christchurch so much. They were such lovely places to be, especially when you live in South Korea. I enjoyed just about everything there I even didn't mind the weather.

We walked around everywhere so were pretty tired every night. Here are the things we did on each day.
Sydney, Australia
Saturday: Arrived about 8:00 couldn't check in to the hotel till 2:00. So we left our luggage, went to starbucks got coffee, walked down to the Darling Harbour Bridge, went to a park, went to the Chinese Garden of Friendship, ate at Mother Chu's, walked around downtown, did some shopping, Went to the hotel checked in, took showers, went downtown, shopped, ate dinner in the Harbour, went to the Oprea House to watch Pericles, then walked around a little then went back to the hotel.
Sunday: Woke up early and went to Badde Manors cafe had the most delicious pancakes topped with fetta cheese and raspberries, walked to a bookstore, walked around Sydney University (beautiful campus), went to a target (it's been so long since I had seen one), then went and grabbed some coffee and did some shopping, when the sun was about to set we went to the Harbour Bridge and walked across it and back, then finally went and had a salad down by the water, took some pictures, walked around a little, then went back to the hotel and went to sleep.
Monday: We woke up early went to get some breakfast then to the warf to catch a ferry across the habour to go the Trango Zoo (which was really nice), went back to the other side, did some shopping, walked through the botanical gardens, ate at Harry's Cafe De Wheels, walked back through the gardens and downtown Sydney, then went back to the hotel and got ready, went and grabbed dinner at a pub, then it was off to the observatory to watch the stars. We got to see Jupiter and Neptune which was really cool, then walked back to our hotel.
Tuesday: We ate breakfast at a small cafe by the water at Darling Harbour, then took the subway over to Bondi Beach and did the beach walk, walked back into town and went to the Boarders (long time since I've seen one), walked around a really nice mall, went shopping for all the families, got some little cupcakes from babycakes, went to the apple store to check e-mails, had subway for dinner (mmmmm), then went and watched Public Enemies, we then just did some window shopping and went back to the hotel to pack up our stuff.

Christchurch, New Zealand
Wednesday: Got up at 4:00A.M. to get a taxi to the airport at 4:30. Went to the Airport to catch a flight to Christchurch at 7:30. We arrived in Christchurch about 12:30. Allison and Rob MacDuff were waiting for us with flowers for me and maps for Houston. We went back to Robs house and had a glass of wine to celebrate us making it, then Al took us downtown to walk around and checkout Christchurch, then we went back to Robs for a lovely home-cooked dinner, good conversation, and drinks to finish off the night.
Thursday: Got up early (an hour to early because we had no clocks) ate breakfast with Rob and had some coffee, went on a Lord of the Rings tour to Mt. Sunday and Edoras, hiked up a mountain, took great pictures and videos, went back to Robs and had a glass of wine before heading to South of the Boarder a Mexican restaurant where we ate way to much food, then headed back to Robs and had more conversation time.
Friday: We finally got to sleep in a little then we made our way to downtown Christchurch, we walked around all day checking out the city, museums, art galleries, shopping for families, puntting (a river ride on a boat that is like a gondola), walked back to Robs through Hagley park, had a glass of wine,then went over to Al and Jenny's and had fish and chips, then went to see an independent art film called Mary and Max, we went to a pub with Alex after but only stayed a short time because we were tired.
Saturday: We woke up early, had breakfast at Robs house, Al came over and we were off again, we drove over to a port where we caught a ferry to visit Al's brother and sister-in-law, then we had lunch on a mountain (with beautiful scenery), we headed back to Rob's house where we napped while he prepared wonderful Mexican tacos, we ate and drank and were merry.
Sunday: We woke up kind of early to eat breakfast and finish packing then it was off for one final adventure. We went tramping through the New Zealand Bush (which means we went for a walk through a forrest) then walked through a few parks, then it was time to say goodbye and we were off to the airport, Al and Jenny took us, we had a bit of coffee with them, got on the plane to Sydney, then to Singapore.

To say that I loved my holiday would be an understatement. I got really emotional when we were leaving because I didn't want to come back to Korea and because I feel in love with both Sydney and Christchurch. The place, the events, and especially the people were just lovely. My favorite holiday EVER! I can hardly wait till I can go again,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane to OZ!

Wow today is Wednesday and I leave for Sydney on Friday. I can hardly believe that is it almost time to go. I am so excited about traveling to Australia and New Zealand. Here are just a few reasons why.
1. IT'S AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND... it will be super AWESOME!
2. I get to get out of Korea for a little while. This place is about to drive me nuts and I need a break from it.
3. I am going to get to go to the Opera House to see a play.
4. I get to see the Sydney Harbour Bridge!!!
5. I'm going to go to the Sydney Observatory to see the stars!!!
6. There is a possibility of a new tat!
7. I get to go with a really amazing friend.
8. In New Zealand I'm going to get to meet a good friends family and stay with them.
9. Being in a beautiful country!
10. I'll be on vacation!!!!!!

I could probably throw a few more things in there, but will go ahead and stop. When I get back on August 10th my Granny will be flying into South Korea. So I am excited for the OZ trip and also for my Gran coming to visit and going to China with her. After all the vacations and things I'll only have about six more months in SK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get a woo woo!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What are you passionate about?

Just within this past week I've had two different people ask me what I am passionate about. It really makes a person start to wonder what really drives me? The first friend who asked me said first thing that comes to your mind go. I almost immediately replied relationships. Building relationships with people and loving them. I'm reading a book about passion and how important it is to have passion. We as people need passion for whatever it is we do. Having passion for things makes us want to do a better job. Even if our passion is for keeping our homes clean, it doesn't matter. Whatever you are passionate about do it with your whole heart all the way. That's the way it's supposed to be.

My other friend e-mailed me and asked what I was passionate about, this was my response.
"I have a great passion for building relationships. I love the idea of having life-long relationships. I want more than anything to love people with my whole heart and show them love and greatness. I feel that building strong relationships is the way I can show love. To love people unconditionally and with everything the way God does. I believe that’s what it’s all about. I believe that God doesn't care if we build institutions but he cares that we build relationships with people. I think that the church can be great but that people focus too much on it sometimes instead of God. When all they should be focused on is the one who made them. I don’t feel that people come to Christ because of church but that they come because of people and the relationships they build and the love that comes from those relationships. I want people to look at me and see my relationship with God and with others and say “that’s what it’s about, that’s what I want.”

In the book I’m reading called “Life Wide Open” It talks about how people have to have passion in their lives for what they do. Here is a quote from the book that I love “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” I love to see passionate people on fire to make a difference. So much of what we do of who we are is determined by how passionate we are. It may cost a lot but if you do it with your whole heart passionately it is worth it.

"Passion is not cheap. But it is real; it is priceless. It may cost your life, but it will save your soul."
"Work at it with all your heart. The strength of the passionate life is pouring our heart and soul- our very life into what we do. Our world is incomplete until each one of us discovers what moves us- our passion."

What are you passionate about?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rain rain stay today and come again another day.

I am a huge fan of rain. I like to walk in the rain, unless it's cold. I think playing in the rain is super fun. But I think my all time favorite thing to do when it is raining is to just listen to it. I love the sound of water and water itself. I think it is so clamming and relaxing when it drowns out all other sounds it just sets my mind at ease. Even as I write this very blog it has started to pour down. And I am loving it. Yeah for the Korean rainy season/monsoon season.

Not that I really believe in astrology but I think it's kind of ironic the fact that I like water so much and being an Aquarius the zodiac symbol is a water bearer. I went to this website to see what my sign is about. ( http://www.astrology-online.com/aquarius.htm )I find it interesting that there are a lot of truths in reading this. But I also feel there are things that are not true about me. I anyone can guess a things about a person and be correct on some. If you have some time to kill you should check it out. Let me know if any of the personality characteristics fit me. I have copied the likes and dislikes below that I think fit me.

  • Fighting for Causes
  • Dreaming and Planning for the Future
  • Thinking of the Past
  • Good Companions
  • Having Fun
  • Full of Air Promises
  • Excessive Loneliness
  • The Ordinary
  • Imitations
  • Idealistic

Friday, July 10, 2009

A few thoughts... parental advisory

I have had a constant headache all day long. I have taken two excedrin migraines, two aleve, two more excedrin migraines, and have had lots of water. I can't seem to get rid of it. It's making me sick to my stomach. So I thought I would blog about it and some other bad things from this week. There is nothing fun about (as my students call it) head sick. I'm pretty sure it has developed into a migraine and not just a headache. It is pure awfulness.

On another note this past week I have had a long not so great week. It has been finals week, which should have been a breeze. I was finished everyday at 1:00 and only observed 8 test total. But Monday go off to a bad start which made Tuesday and Wednesday not so great either. On Monday I was just in an awful mood. I went to the bank and transfered money home. I lost money in doing so which always makes me upset. But it wasn't just the money. I was mad at Korea and Koreans... I don't know why. But I was just angry and wanted to flip every person off who was staring at me. I should be used to it by now (the stares) but at the same time I feel these people should be used to foreigners. I feel that to look at a person who is different is ok. But when you stare at them like they are from another planet and you have never seen anyone like them before is not ok. I want to say "fuck you" (excuse the language) and flip them off. I am not by nature like this at all, but like I said I was not having a great week. And I would never say fuck you to anyone especially a complete stranger but that's the way I felt. I really am sorry for the vulgar language but it was honestly what I was feeling and what I feel sometimes about Korea and being here. I appreciate America so much more now and can hardly wait to be back. Where when you walk down the street you don't get stared at or because your different from every other person. Where being different is good and being an individual is good.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown

The other day I was reading this really great book that I am about to finish "The Shack". I really hesitated to read it because I honestly didn't want to. But had heard so much about it and thought that I would start and if I didn't like it I would put it down and pick up something else. Honestly I have to say that the book really surprised me. I didn't think that I would enjoy it as much as I have. I recommend it very highly. It's a quick read and tells a very lovely story. Please read and enjoy. There is a quote from the book that I really loved. "Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown."
In church our pastor has been speaking on Turning adversity into opportunity, which I have really enjoyed. I have been journaling about it and has really opened a lot up to me. I am working on turning my own adversities into opportunity. I sometimes feel as though the adversities I have or am facing are pointless, but it's not true. Everything I go through or will go through can be looked at one of two ways. I can look at the situation and think why? Why is this happening why can't it be another way? Or I can look at the situation and say Ok God I don't know why, but I trust you. "Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown." I am growing, changing, taking risks, and stepping into the unknown and a excited about what lies a head. 
I am trying to be a person that I have wanted to be for a long time. A better version of me. I am taking chances, living fully, not sweating the small stuff, and trying to be happy. I want to be this person who says I am happy and really mean it. I am going to go and do what I feel my heart is telling me to. It's been too long since I've listened to it. I understand that there are risks involved and I am willing to take them so that I can live a full life. 

A bird is not defined by being grounded, but by his ability to fly. Remember this humans are not defined by their limitations, but by their intentions that I have for them; not by what they seem to be, but by everything it means to be created in my image. ~God

Friday, June 12, 2009

Funny student answers

This week in class we were talking about optimistic and pessimistic in class. My students were given a dialogue to fill in with new phrases.
Ex. A. It’s raining ___________ (like cats and dogs, really hard…)
B. I’m afraid it won’t stop. We won’t go hiking tomorrow.
A. _________________ ( Oh no. That’s too bad….) Students answer (Oh

shit, God dammit)

I was so caught off guard from their answers, not mad at all. I just laughed. I thought it was very creative that they could use curse words correctly. So I just said that it was not good for class but it does work. Somethimes they are just too much.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Saying goodbye

So probably everyone knows that I have mixed feelings about being here in Korea. I am always torn about staying or leaving. For instance this weekend I had such a great time with my friends just hanging out laughing and having a good time which makes me think why would I ever leave? But at the same time most of my friends are going to start leaving to go back to their home country. This makes me sad because I feel as though the people I have met here have helped me maintain my sanity, because Korea is a crazy place to live.  If it were not for my friends here in Korea I would have lost it a long time ago. People that I have met from all over the world have been such a saving grace to me. I am so so so sad to see these people who have meant so much to me, who have been a huge part of my life in Korea start to leave. I feel super blessed that I have had such a wonderful opportunity to know such wonderful people and to experience so many different cultures while here. I wonder if there is the chance of being involved in each others lives once we have all parted ways. Sure there are the promises that we all make. We will visit each others country, lets plan exciting trips together, lets be at each others weddings.... but I really wonder, will we really still be friends outside Korea? Or after they or I have left will it be the final goodbye? Friends that I have made here would be the only thing to keep me here longer. I guess since they are all going to start saying goodbye to Korea, soon so shall I. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

North Korea?

With North Korea having their nuclear test I am a little concerned about what will happen. The Korean people don’t seem to think it is a big deal or at least they don’t act like it is. I know that they have been dealing with NK for a long time, but we’re talking about NUCLEAR BOMBS here. It’s a big deal! This Thursday we were supposed to have a fire drill at school, but now they have changed it to supposedly an “earthquake” drill. It sounds like a bomb drill to me. We are to direct the students to get under their desks and cover their heads. After the drill there will be an announcer who will come over the PA and direct the students in what to do in the situation… It seems a little sketchy to me that we were supposed to have a fire drill then after all this NK nuclear bomb stuff they decide to change it to an “earthquake” drill. I am hoping that nothing is going to happen over here. But NK is crazy and who knows what their thinking or planning. I would hope that everything would just go back to normal and NK would release their weapons of mass destruction. Why can’t we all just get along???


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bestfriend Boy is for me

So I took this survey on facebook and the results were really funny to me. This is what I have been searching for in a man. I feel as though this quiz was perfect for. I have been thinking that I need to change, to be more than just friends with boys that I'm really not that great of friends with. But this quiz said exactly what I want for my future. I hope that I still have a chance to have the kind of relationship I so desire. I just need to FIND him... 

Shannon just took the "What kind of boy should you be with?" quiz and the result is Bestfriend Boy.

You need a bestfriend boy. It sounds very boring, but it's really not. This could turn into the most passionate relationship ever! You need someone that is just fun to be around, without all the mushy gushy stuff all the time. You want to be able to be yourself around a guy, and just hangout like you do with your friends. You also probably value being able to have a conversation that has to do with more than how much you "miss" or "love" eachother. If you have a bestfriend that's a guy, don't be afraid to DATE HIM! He could turn out to be the perfect guy for you. And if you don't have a guy bestfriend already, then find one! If you meet a guy you might be interested in, see if you can just be friends before you climb into the relationship.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My crazy Teachers' day in Korea

Today was teachers’ day here in Korea and it was maybe my scariest day so far here. The day is almost over, but I know I won't soon forget it. This morning before classes we had a ceremony for the teachers. The students presented each teacher with a corsage. This meant that 1st period was short because of the ceremony. During my 2nd period my co teacher brought in a cake that the students had bought us. It was crazy having 36 students munching down on cake and making big messes. I had 3rd period off and went into my office where there were more treats to eat. One of the craziest being offered was beer. Yes that’s right in the teachers offices there were serving beer! They asked me if I would like to have one. I said no thank you, laughed to my self, and thought oh Korea. I made a joke saying maybe my student will drive me to drink lol. I didn’t eat in the cafeteria today, but heard they were serving beer there for your drink… crazy in Korea you can drink at school. When my 4th period started I had the scariest Korean moment to date. I had a student have an epileptic seizer during class. I freaked out and had no clue what to do (I checked online so if it happens again I am prepared). My 5th period was pretty normal and I have 6th period free. I am hoping that nothing else too crazy happens today… never know? I am also glad that this freak day is almost over.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Super Emotional

So the normal me is not the kind of person who gets emotional or cries at little things. I am not the kind of person who is very emotional, but being here in Korea another year has really been tough on me. I feel like most of the time I am super close to breaking down and crying. If you know me then you know that I hate crying. I can't stand it, I feel as though it shows weakness. And really dislike when people cry around me (with the exception of little children). Even worse than that, I HATE when I cry. I feel so feeble and not in control. Like I said being in Korea has been pretty hard, two months ago I signed on for another year (because of money and the economy) it has just gotten worse for me. It's not that Korea has really changed, I have. Korea is still the same place it was when I first arrived, when I liked being here. I have become sick of being here. I am sick of not being able to understand the people in culture and language both. I’m sick of not being understood. I am sick of being stared at because I am different. I am sick of the lifestyle here. Please don't get me wrong, Korea is a great place. I love the people I have met and befriended here. But, I have had enough. My time in Korea has ran its course. I have a little over 9 months left here and I feel as though it could not go fast enough. I thin I will be a little sad when it comes time to leave. I will miss the good things about being here. I will miss the carefree life, not having to worry about money, and a few other things. But overall I am so ready to get out of here. I am ready to feel normal again, to live a normal life again. I am counting down till I am home.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Some days…Most days

Some days I feel good about being here in Korea. Some days are great. Some days my students pay attention and learn. Some days they are a blast to be around. Some days I think I could maybe stay in Korea for a few more years. Some days I love my life here and how simple it is. Some days I love being free and not tied down. Some days are a piece of cake and life is great. Some days I feel excited about my life in Korea. Some days I don’t worry too much about the future and live in the present. Some days I just laugh and say “Oh Korea”

Most days I want to go home. Most days are really tough. Most days my students don’t like to listen or be quite. Most days some are a blast to be around. Most days I think I can’t stay in Korea another minute. Most days I want more complexity. Most days I want to be tied down. Most days are harder than anyone could imagine. Most days I am up and down. Most days I worry too much about the future and what it holds. Most days I feel as though I am going crazy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's been a while

Well it has been a while since I have written anything. One of my new goals is to write more. So here’s where I start. Since the last blog a lot has happened so I’ll just catch up on a little. I have been at my new school for about two months now. I am still really enjoying my time here. Although it is hard being in Korea sometimes, my job is great. My students can be a handful sometimes, but mostly are just enjoyable. The schedule here is nice too, because I work five classes a day Mon~Thur 8:30~4:40. But only four of those are regular classes, the fifth one is an overtime class. Then on Fri I am finished at 3:30. We have no afternoon classes on Fridays so we are finished a little early. My classes are 45 mins long and I have lots of free time in between classes. We also have a good amount of breaks and holidays. It has been a great experience being here at the school. But like I said it is hard sometimes too. I miss my friends and family terribly. I get really tired of being here sometimes. It’s is super hard when I hear about people back home whose lives are moving on without me. Or those people who are making big changes in their lives. It makes it very difficult to be here. So that’s the way I have been feeling about things lately. I feel torn sometimes about life here and my life back in the states.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday… Oh Wednesday

This is my first week working at my new school. I have already had some really great experiences. I am excited to start off the year and am ready to see what this year holds. First off you all should know that Korean schools are very different from American schools. On the first day of school the students come go to a few classes then have to clean the school. They sweep, clean the windows, wipe down walls… I thought this was very strange, but it is very common. Another thing I was very surprised to hear, one of the foreign teachers told me not to worry if one of the teachers brings a student into our offices and hits them. Yes the school systems still use physical punishment. Last year a student caught a teacher on his video phone beating another student, so now the home-room teachers have to take the students cell phones at the beginning of class. All the students wear uniforms. The students show more respect for their teachers probably due to the fact that they know what their punishment could be. While I would never choose to hit a student, I have been told that if I have any problems that I may tell a Korean teacher or can use another form of punishment like running, push-ups, chin-ups, ect. I have not and hope that I do not have to use these forms of discipline. All of the teachers have been nice. Sometimes I feel as though I am an outsider. In more ways than one I have felt like as soon as I walk in or out of a room I am being talked about. It is very hard because I want to befriend the Korean teachers. But I feel as though it will not be as easy as I would like. I feel a little alone sometimes and do not enjoy it very much. I hope to make friends with my co-workers and will be able to call them friends.     

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One week at a time

I have had quite a week and weekend. It kind of all started with some bad news when I found out that my boss was having “finical problems”. He had told my coworker and I that he would be giving my coworker and I our final pay on the 19th of February. The day before that was supposed to happen he came to me and said I have to pay you later in March. It was really upsetting to me because I don’t and never have trusted him. I am still hoping that I will get my money from him. He has know that he would have to pay us the money that he owes us for a year and was very irresponsible in not having our money on time. I had sent all my money home thinking that I would have that money, so I had no money. 

On Saturday I was supposed to go into Seoul and work all day to make some money. I had to get up at 6:30 so that I could get to Seoul. I went to get money from my account; I got the last $10.00 that I could get out of my account. I got on the bus and at Suwon station had to recharge my t-money card so that I could actually take the subway into Seoul.  I put all my $10.00 on my card thinking that I would not need the money as long as I had my t-money card I could go into Seoul and would be ok. When I tried to use my card it would not work even though I had just put money on it. Anyway I had to go talk to the lady at the counter and was trying to explain that I had NO money to buy a ticket because I had put it all on my card. A Korean man came over to help as I was trying to explain that I need to get to Seoul, he bought me a ticket. It was so awesome and I had nothing better to say than thank you thank you so much. Anyway I made it to Seoul, worked all day and then met up with my friend Kelsi in another part of Seoul. We met up had Mexican food, ice cream, got manicures, and pedicures. Got home around 11:30 and just about passed out from exhaustion. On Sunday I got up went to church, after church a few friends and I went to lunch then some of us went to see the movie He’s Just Not That Into You. It was a good movie, but made me feel a little lonely. After the movie I had to go home and pack up my stuff. Monday morning I loaded up all my stuff in my Korean friends car. She drove me and all of my stuff down to Cheonan. After unloading everything I finally got settled in. I really like my new apartment, it’s bigger than my last one. I have a closet two stands a T.V. and a little table.  It was funny because I was so excited that my new school provided me with the little things that my first school didn’t. I have the rest of this week off and really want to enjoy my time before I start my new school. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today I got to talk to my sister (Nister).  It's really nice to talk to her and see her. I'm pretty sure I would not be able to stay in Korea or away from her and my family if it weren't for skype. I got to talk to her and see her while she was busy making dinner and walking around  her apartment. Thanks to skype I can feel like I'm right there in Canada in her apartment.  I love skype, it makes being away from home a lot easier. Although it's no where near as good as being there it's as close as I can get to her and I'm glad for at least that. It makes me happy to talk to and see my loved ones. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm 25!!!!

So maybe turning 25 wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. I brought in my 25th year of being alive in style. I was determined to try and celebrate even thought I felt old and was a little sad about being 25. I ended up celebrating for like four days straight, with just about every person I know in Korea and very little sleep. I made it a point to enjoy my 25th birthday, be with friends and have the best time I could... I have to say that I achieved my goal. I had a wonderful birthday week and did just about everything I wanted to do for my special day. I enjoyed every tiring moment of it all. I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends and to be able to experience and enjoy life to the fullest. I have decide that 25 is going to be a GREAT year, the best year of my life. I'm going to have an incredible year and nothing is going to get in my way or stop me from living life and enjoying being 25.  I want life to just keep getting better and better and believe that as long as I have the right attitude and mind set that it will. I have a great life and am so blessed and thankful. I'm going to take every opportunity I can to live life, love people, and enjoy everything I have. So here's to 25 the greatest year of my life may it just continue to get better!!!! 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Korea and cell phones

Korea has nearly as many cell phones as people

Population of 48.6 million has 45.6 million mobile phone subscribers

updated 5:41 p.m. ET Jan. 28, 2009

SEOUL, South Korea - Tech-savvy South Korea has nearly as many cell phones as people, officials said Wednesday.

There were 45.6 million mobile phone subscribers in South Korea in December in a country with a population of 48.6 million, Sung Suk-ham of the Korea Communications Commission said.

That's over 93 percent, a slight rise in rates from six months ago. The number is expected to rise further in the coming year, despite the economic downturn, Sung said.

While some people have more than one subscription, the figures indicate one of the highest cell phone saturation rates in the world.

Cell phones have become a vital part of everyday life in South Korea, used for shopping, surfing the Web, bank transactions, sending e-mail, listening to music as well as talking.

The country — home to Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, the world's No. 2 and No. 4 manufacturers of mobile phones — also has a high rate of Internet usage.

In addition to an average of 2.75 mobile phones per household, more than 15.4 million South Koreans — just under a third of the population — have high-speed Internet, the commmission said.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Am I a grownup???

Last night I met up with a friend to have dinner after work. Our conversation was very stimulating and there was a wide range of topics throughout the night. We talked about politics, futures, work, relationships... things to this nature. When we had finished and said our goodbyes I thought about our conversations. I felt like I had had one of the most grownup conversations of my life. It is funny sometime to me because I don't feel like I should be turning 25... Yes in just a few short days I'll be 25. A quarter of a century old. I'll be 5 years from 30!!!!!! ahhh, 15 from 40 Ahhhh and 25 from 50 AHHHHHH!!! Sorry I lost track there for a moment. Anyway while the conversation was riveting  as I was walking home I felt a little old. Then tonight I went to dinner with another friend and while the conversation never drifted as deep as the prior it was still a very adult dinner.  Which was followed by going down the toy isles at the Homeplus and talking about toys I wanted for my birthday lol. Which made me wonder are we really only as old as we are? When we know that we are getting older and we act it there's not a lot of fun life. But if we know we are getting older and we can still act young, well I say that's the way for me. Don't get me wrong I love behaving adult like and having grownup time... I've waited my whole life to do that. But there is also this person inside me that still loves to be silly, that inner child. I hope that that part of me never grows up.

Monday, January 19, 2009

What I will miss

With just a little over three weeks left of actual teaching in my contract I am starting to realize that I will miss a few things at my current job. This past week my students have been giving me note and little prizes, things that are really cute and sweet. I have students who wait for me after class so they can walk with me and who scream when they see me. I have realized that I love my students and am really going to miss them so much. I know that I will have new students that I will grow to love, but I will miss my students very much. 

I will also miss my friends and coworkers in Suwon. These are some of the people that have made my year of being here in Korea easier. I have grown to love each one of them very much. It will be hard to move and not be as close to them. 

So as I am getting closer to the end I am very happy and at the same time a little sad.