Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Super Emotional

So the normal me is not the kind of person who gets emotional or cries at little things. I am not the kind of person who is very emotional, but being here in Korea another year has really been tough on me. I feel like most of the time I am super close to breaking down and crying. If you know me then you know that I hate crying. I can't stand it, I feel as though it shows weakness. And really dislike when people cry around me (with the exception of little children). Even worse than that, I HATE when I cry. I feel so feeble and not in control. Like I said being in Korea has been pretty hard, two months ago I signed on for another year (because of money and the economy) it has just gotten worse for me. It's not that Korea has really changed, I have. Korea is still the same place it was when I first arrived, when I liked being here. I have become sick of being here. I am sick of not being able to understand the people in culture and language both. I’m sick of not being understood. I am sick of being stared at because I am different. I am sick of the lifestyle here. Please don't get me wrong, Korea is a great place. I love the people I have met and befriended here. But, I have had enough. My time in Korea has ran its course. I have a little over 9 months left here and I feel as though it could not go fast enough. I thin I will be a little sad when it comes time to leave. I will miss the good things about being here. I will miss the carefree life, not having to worry about money, and a few other things. But overall I am so ready to get out of here. I am ready to feel normal again, to live a normal life again. I am counting down till I am home.

1 comment:

  1. Well I dont think this could be a sader picture! :( Seriously makes me want to cry. I know its so hard right now for you, but you are on the home stregth! You have been there over a year, and have LESS than a year to go! You already are one of the strongest people I know, just think how much stronger you will be after this!
    I love you and cant wait to talk to you tomorrow night! And then again on Saturday! Its like I won the lotto this win ;) hehe.
    Have a great Friday!
    Miss you and Love you lots!
