Friday, July 10, 2009

A few thoughts... parental advisory

I have had a constant headache all day long. I have taken two excedrin migraines, two aleve, two more excedrin migraines, and have had lots of water. I can't seem to get rid of it. It's making me sick to my stomach. So I thought I would blog about it and some other bad things from this week. There is nothing fun about (as my students call it) head sick. I'm pretty sure it has developed into a migraine and not just a headache. It is pure awfulness.

On another note this past week I have had a long not so great week. It has been finals week, which should have been a breeze. I was finished everyday at 1:00 and only observed 8 test total. But Monday go off to a bad start which made Tuesday and Wednesday not so great either. On Monday I was just in an awful mood. I went to the bank and transfered money home. I lost money in doing so which always makes me upset. But it wasn't just the money. I was mad at Korea and Koreans... I don't know why. But I was just angry and wanted to flip every person off who was staring at me. I should be used to it by now (the stares) but at the same time I feel these people should be used to foreigners. I feel that to look at a person who is different is ok. But when you stare at them like they are from another planet and you have never seen anyone like them before is not ok. I want to say "fuck you" (excuse the language) and flip them off. I am not by nature like this at all, but like I said I was not having a great week. And I would never say fuck you to anyone especially a complete stranger but that's the way I felt. I really am sorry for the vulgar language but it was honestly what I was feeling and what I feel sometimes about Korea and being here. I appreciate America so much more now and can hardly wait to be back. Where when you walk down the street you don't get stared at or because your different from every other person. Where being different is good and being an individual is good.

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